Google Pay 新增 18 家合作銀行
最近更新時間 2021-01-20 11:12:49

Google Pay 已經與大約 3000 個金融機構合作,但這並不妨礙它繼續支持更多的銀行和信用合作社。
讓我們一起認識一下 Google Pay 最新合作的18 家銀行:
- 1st Bank of Sea Isle City
- Assemblies of God Credit Union
- Bank of Hope
- CHHE Federal Credit Union
- Capon Valley Bank
- Chelsea Groton Bank
- Coca-Cola Federal Credit Union
- Eagle Bank & Trust (AR)
- Glendale Area Schools Credit Union
- Hawaii County Employees Federal Credit Union
- Healthcare Employees Federal Credit Union
- New Bedford Credit Union
- Paper City Savings Association
- Peoples Exchange Bank
- Peoples Trust Company of St Albans
- Rails West Federal Credit Union
- USAgencies Credit Union
- WESTconsin Credit Union